A madness metal, impervious to harmful thought or deed...

Wednesday, July 28


So, anyway, my back was giving me some bother this morning, and it got worse as the day went on. "Fuck what is wrong with my back?" I wondered, but not aloud as there's no-one else here to hear me say it. Then I noticed that my left fist (the up-cutter) was a tad twingy as well. This made no sense.

So I called my drinkin' buddy from last night, and I now know:

- he kicked me "against" a fence --- note not "through" a fence, just against it. That it collapsed under my momentum is apparently a matter for me the the property owner to discuss.
- the big fucking huge guard dog that was -behind- said fence cannot put up a good defense against south-paw and pants crapping Dave. I hope I only frightened it (as it did me).
- Wendy, the hot looking barmaid, totally needs to keep stopping to keep her hands off me - at least while her husband is out of town...

Next week: I go to the Hoover Dam and say cuss words...

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