A madness metal, impervious to harmful thought or deed...

Sunday, December 19

Birthday Schmistday

Well, I got one good gift for my birthday and a lot of crap (thanks Lady P for the good one, sorry I didn't notice it sooner - I was very, very drunk). But it's not about the gifts, it's about the love. It could also be about a piss poor meal at an overcrowded Tied House - I've never wanted to be somewhere less. They were totally understaffed and the crap that the wait staff were having to put up with was just icky. Hated it mainly out of sympathy for them.

Pointless little post, no?


  1. I hope you're kidding about the gift, Dim. Otherwise, better luck next year.

    --Lady Penelope

  2. The (other) birthday gifts sucked. The Xmas gifts were OK or better. So all in all, it evens out. I guess.
