A madness metal, impervious to harmful thought or deed...

Wednesday, September 7


So someone posted a really long, stupid, spam piece as a comment - and I can't figure out how to delete the MF. And since my eMail address has changed, I didn't see the other comments till I was prompted to go look.

Anyway, the book is now somewhere in a million boxes of stuff, probably snuggling up to my "Will and Grace" DVD's. I'm having some mental/moral issues with writing more of it out: something the writers behind Will and Grace shpuld have had a long time ago. Ah, when I find it, I probably will. Either that or propose it to NBC as a sitcom "So there's this girl, with no arms, and...!" - you can just see the funny a-coming.

1 comment:

  1. I think people write to be read, and where diaries are concerned, that means not by their parents (hear that, Mom?), but by people who don't know them long after they're dead. Strikes me that this child probably felt like a nobody, and this was one way of leaving a mark.
