A madness metal, impervious to harmful thought or deed...

Tuesday, December 28

Dan is back!


Wednesday, December 22

Closing Time

The local rag reports that the chinese restaurant near by has been closed on numerous health issues --- I feel so good that I ate there a week back... Ick...

Sunday, December 19

Birthday Schmistday

Well, I got one good gift for my birthday and a lot of crap (thanks Lady P for the good one, sorry I didn't notice it sooner - I was very, very drunk). But it's not about the gifts, it's about the love. It could also be about a piss poor meal at an overcrowded Tied House - I've never wanted to be somewhere less. They were totally understaffed and the crap that the wait staff were having to put up with was just icky. Hated it mainly out of sympathy for them.

Pointless little post, no?

Wednesday, December 15

The routine

So I was trying to come up with a new "piece" for the little stand-up gig, and I (somehow) ended up focusing on Aliester Crowley (sp on both, see what an expert I am?) - back in my youth, I read a lot of stuff about him, and some of his "automatic writings", and read the whole "Golden Dawn System of Magick" - I can now, with hindsight, sat it was all BS.

Crowley though himself to be the great beast, and the end of the world --- not just a simple fuckwit with bad hair. He "discovered" how he could "celebrate the dark gods" via masturbation. He created a tarot deck that was kinda cool, but very much a rip off of the (damn I forget now, must research more) deck. Anyway.

So the comedy idea is "Home for the Holidays, with AC". It involves all the expected puns and cheap jokes - but they all depend upon the aud knowing something about this guy and his sick life. (Did you know he was on the cover of Sgt. Pepper? I did).

A few tests with the online aud didn't go well. No idea who the guy was, couldn't spell "cabbala" to save themselves. Thought "Golden Dawn" was a star of salacious motion pictures. Byork. I've got a full 20 minutes about this byork and I can't use it because my audience is culturally lacking.

OK, so I was thinking I could handle this in one of these ways:

- write it as a play, with parts for mother, father and myself. Give the mother and father parts to members of the aud (Liz and James, most likely) and prompt them when to read a line. Good because it involves the aud, bad because it's difficult and hecklers can't annunciate at all well. Plus complex, I'd have to keep closer track than usual of the dialog.

- write it as a story instead, and send it out for multiple rejection letters (since eds also have no idea who AC is)

- write it as a musical! Err, no, scratch that.

- hand out a little bio beforehand, so people know of which I speech. Seems like a good idea, but in reality no-one would read it.

- do an intro. Give a brief, five minute bio of Crowley - done seriously - before the gag act. Hope that this is enough.

I'm going to go with the last of these, hopefully with a wall-projection of images. My only issue is how do I make sure the aud knows this -is- real, and not made up BS? Still working on that one.